Saturday, September 14, 2013

We do not have a unique value proposition really

In most cases, an ordinary MSP does nothave a unique value proposition. They may have a value proposition such as complete services, user friendliness, advanced technology, 24/7 availability, a friendly help desk or things like that.

The trick about a unique value proposition is that it is hard to copy, and it solves a very important problem for the client.

The unique value proposition is the essence of your service offering, the key element which makes you different from the rest of the MSPs in your area.

If you value the following:
  • business continuity
  • proactivity
  • professionalism
  • transparency
  • measurability
  • business focus
  • cost effectiveness
You may build up the unique value proposition of "making the client more competitive with IT" period. As opposed to writing it to your marketing collateral, do it, live it every day.

The idea behind ReframeYourClients is exactly to be able to fulfill this unique value proposition. Every organization has the right to earn more revenue, cut costs and increase their credibility to be more competitive through Information Technology.

If these opportunities are valued in your company culture, ReframeYourClients can help you to put these together and fulfill the promise of your unique value proposition.

But just imagine:

With ReframingYourClients you are able to:
  • Ensure business continuity and security which is the basis of any organization’s credibility
  • Set the stage for proactivity in every way for IT
  • Increase professionalism on services, users, devices and management
  • Increase transparency of the IT ecosystem
  • Build measurability around the IT ecosystem
  • Help the client to reach its personal and corporate goals through a global IT strategy
  • Ensure the highest value in the lowest cost possible at all times

This is not a tall tale. This is what you are already doing in a certain sense, but putting it all together gives you an unbeatable credibility and professionalism against your competitors .


Sales techniques:

vCIO researches:

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